If you’re looking to figure out the art of finding mom-friends, spend 20-minutes going for a walk in any neighborhood in any part of the world with Nikki Millman, and you will find yourself a group to call your own. As the VP of Community at HATCH Collection and mother to 22-month old Ryder, Nikki has made a career out of making friends (call it community, why don't you?) and has a special knack for striking up conversations with strangers in a way that makes you stand back and think, “Wow, I wish I could do that!”

A perfect epitomization of Troop Danrie, and a well-deserved first feature in our new series, Nikki is equal parts expert (she really does know-it-all when it comes to pregnancy), seeker (we challenge you to find someone wanting to better themselves and learn more than she does, and open-hearted (no gate-keeping here, Nikki shares all her resources with anyone who asks). Read on to discover more.
Okay. Can you describe Ryder’s style in five words or less?
Monochrome sweatsuits all day everyday.

What’s one thing you splurged on for Ryder that you don’t regret?
The Doona trike. He’s obsessed.
What does “balance” mean to you these days?
I always think of my life (time) as a pie. As you become a parent, your pie has a few more slices (right now, I can count about six: my relationship with myself, my work, my husband, my son, our family unit, and my friends). Sometimes certain slices are bigger than others but as long as I can give a little to each part of the pie, I feel good. That's what "balance" looks like to me these days.
Back to shopping stuff. What's one purchase you made with your first baby that you’d 100% make again if you have a second?
Coterie Diapers. Never had a leak (day + night!).
A recent discovery you’ve made that you can’t wait to share with your friends?
Veer all-terrain cruiser. Need this for the beach next summer.

And last, but certainly not least, is there charity or an organization you’re loving right now?
Welcome Baby. They provide low-income mothers with everything mom and baby need for the first four weeks of life.